Oct 25, 2009

Phillips Farms

Just 6 days before Halloween, Taryn and I took Eli on his 1st trip to the Pumpkin Patch. We went with Eli's Nonni, Grambot & Grandpa to Phillips Farms - the same Pumpkin Patch that Taryn and I went to as kids. The place had certainly changed. They've added a petting zoo, additional hay mazes, game and food booths, and some new characters to visit during the walkthrough. But they also had the old familiar characters and attractions.
Here's Eli doing his version of The Great Pumpkin.

When we arrived it was at the end of the day, just 45 minutes before the Patch was set to close, and Eli was pretty close to food/nap time - which means he was pretty done. He was certainly interested in everything that he was seeing, but didn't really have the energy to respond.
Here's Taryn and Eli at the start of the walkthrough path.

Here's a perfect shot of his Done face. The poor guy was just so tired.
And yes, his T-shirt says "I drink until I pass out." So fitting.

Taryn and I couldn't help but have a great time. It brought back a lot of memories.

Inside the covered mazes there are different scenes depicting everything from ghouls playing the organ, to witches brewing up nasty postions. Here's Eli and me checking out a skeleton gaurding his treasure chest.

As tired as he was, he did enjoy riding the hay horse.

And meeting Mr. Mouse.


Eli thought the petting zoo was particularly interesting.
He even made a friend.

Big Blue-Eyed reactions to crazy animals.

Here's Mama trying to keep him smiling at the end of the trip. My dad and I were at check-out with a wagon full of pumpkins (literally). We left with 4. Three big ones for me, Taryn and Kendall (who was staying with us as our Manny Nanny), and one small one for Eli. It was a great time, we just wish we had made it earlier in the day before Eli lost his energy.

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