Oct 26, 2009

After The Show

Since Taryn and I had decided not to make a big fuss about our Anniversary this year, we instead grabbed at the chance to spend a night out together with friends, leaving Eli to stay the night with his Grandparents and his Nonni. It was the first time that we'd left the Lil' Man somewhere without us, and it was really hard. But the night out was well deserved, and very awesome. When we got back into Stockton to pick Eli up, it was a little ridiculous.
On our way out of town, we stopped by Katy & Anders' new place to celebrate their just announced engagement. Congratulations guys! We love you, and couldn't be happier for the two of you! You totally deserve each other - but in that good way where you're both awesome.
After our 'eventful' night out, Taryn and I were both pretty wiped. Taryn had a sudden late-game burst of energy due to the wedding talk and girly giggling. I, on the other hand, had no such energy, and took the chance to doze in the middle of everything with my Biddles.

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