Mar 22, 2010

No Disassemble!

A while ago, Taryn went out and bought a Roomba for the house. Because I'm a neat freak and borderline OCD (apparently), and because I have a tendency to vacuum at least every other day, she felt that having a machine that could do this for me would be helpful, and potentially less annoying. It's very sweet of her, even in spite of calling me borderline OCD.

Enter Johnnie 5. Yes, we named our vacuum. And not only did we name him, but we call him Johnnie 5 (Short Circuit, anybody?). Unfortunately, because the cats have been locked in our bedroom so that they can't destroy our townhouse, Johnnie has been couped-up in there too - charged with ensuring that no kitty funk is left about.

But recently we brought Johnnie downstairs to do some work, and Eli had a field day! Eli has always been fascinated with our vacuums (as a baby he would sleep through me vacuuming right next to him, and has since done everything possible to be as close as he can get to watch them while in action). But the last few times we put Johnnie 5 to work, Eli started chasing him. We've even caught the kid trying to stand on him.

It's just hilarious. To have such a good time playing chase with a vacuum. Priceless. And literally at no cost to us! Fantastic!

Here's a video I captured on my iPhone of Eli following Johnnie around and playing a bit of chase. I'll try to get a better one where he's trying to ride the poor machine, but this works for now. Enjoy!

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