Jul 7, 2009

Grandma Rosie's Birthday and Grandpa/Father's Day

So the day after Father's Day was Eli's Great Grandma Rosie's Birthday and we wanted to see Grandpa Jim and Granddaddy and give them our Grandpa/ Father's Day gift, so Eli and I packed up for a trip down to Stockton for the day. Dave had to work :-(

Below Eli's Uncle Kendall is indroducing the Biddles to one of his new toys at his Nonni's house. We noticed that Eli has been putting everything in his mouth and shown a slight increase in fussiness (which really is still not that bad). It is obvious Eli is teething early just like his Mommy and Daddy did before him.

Here is Eli with his Great Grandma Rosie. We took her out to lunch and Eli was a perfect sleepy Biddles like usual, which made lunch a breeze. It was only the 2nd time I had taken Eli to a restaurant!

We headed over to Tita's and Granddaddy's house. It's not like his Great Grandparents aren't enamored with our Lil' Man. Eli changes so much in just a week it was really nice to show off his new talents.

Ya know how I said Eli is teething...this is his teething toy that all Mommies I know swear by. Nonni is trying it out....it vibrates. Eli loves it!

Had to post a picture with his Uncle. It is rare to get a picture of Kendall smiling so I needed to commemorate this occurance. Eli could not sit still and was cracking Kendall up.

I do not know what it is...but everytime Eli gets to spend time with his Grandpa they both smile and crack up! It is so amazing to watch. Eli is showing off his new skill...standing - with assistance of course..but man, does our Biddles have some leg strength!

It was a quick trip, but a fun one! As often as we try to make it down to Stockton...Eli rarely gets to visit with his Great Grandparents, let alone get some real quality time with his Grandpa. By the end of the day we were both exhausted - but it was well worth it!

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