Jan 24, 2011

Sleeping Biddles

We've been having trouble recently with the temperatures in the kids' rooms. Grambot bought the kids each a GroEgg room thermometer, but they never seem to read the temperature that the rooms feel. We set our thermostat to 68, and realize that the layout of our townhouse (being so tall and open between the upstairs and downstairs) might make it more difficult to have a standard temperature throughout each room, but the variance between the upstairs and down is a much bigger gap than it should rightly be. We've gone as far as to close the vent in Eli's room entirely because it heats up too much, and fully open the vent in Addy's room because it's always so chilly.
Even in winter, we've taken to putting Eli in thin, loose PJs so that he doesn't get too hot at night. He's had trouble with night terrors in the past, and we know that overheating can be a common cause.
On Monday night, a few hours after I'd put him to bed, Taryn and I were heading up to sleep when we found this ...

We always check on Eli before going to sleep, to make sure that his blanket is covering him, his humidifier is full enough to last the night, and to remove any excess toys from his bed. (He's taken to bringing his Buzz Lightyear, Woody, Star Wars Potato Heads, Sesame Street Dolls, maybe a train or two, and maybe his drum or his guitar, into bed with him each night. As far as Buzz, Woody, the Potato Heads and his Sesame Street dolls, he refuses to go upstairs or downstairs without them ... EVERY time. It's become quite the process)
Taryn has always said that Eli sleeps just like me. Well, the proof is in the picture. Sideways, blanket tangled and askew, feet uncovered and up ... yup, the kiddo is mine.

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