Mar 14, 2010

It's been a rough couple of weeks for the Bacons.
3 weeks ago now, Eli was diagnosed with an ear infection. We caught it early (meaning minimal sleepless nights), and Doc Mullen put the kiddo on a new antibiotic (his second, since he had an allergic reaction to a previous antibiotic, which manifested in hives). That was on a Monday. By that Thursday Eli had developed a horrible diaper rash. He had frequent loose stool (sorry kiddo, saving it for posterity!) which caused blisters and bleeding. It looked like a second degree burn between the cheeks it was so bad. He would scream bloody murder every time we tried to change his diaper. We made multiple calls to our healthcare provider, and were in & out of the clinic multiple times over the next week. We went through 3 different treatments. We started with an anti-fungal ointment, changed to a cortizone cream, then changed again to baking soda baths and an A & D ointment. We were told that the rash and loose stool were from the antibiotic given for the ear infection (a second allergy!). But when things continued to not improve, that theory went out the window.
Instead, last Sunday afternoon, Eli spiked a temperature of over 102. His face was beet red and his entire body felt like it was burning. And for a kid who has more energy than should be legally allowed, he was limp and listless, and his eyes were rolling in a way that could have given a sailor sea sickness. It was the most frightening thing I've ever seen, and the worst experience I think of my entire life. We called our Advice Nurse, and she instructed us to go to the ER immediately, even saying that if we didn't think Eli was going to make it, to pull over and call 911 from the road. Holy Shit, right?!
We left immediately, got to the ER in 15 minutes and then stood in line for a half hour. A call was supposed to have been made on our behalf so that we could be taken back immediately, but I guess that call was lost. While we were waiting, Eli (who hadn't been making any noise or movement) suddenly vomited, and it went everywhere - covering Taryn's left side, soaking both of my feet and shoes, and leaving a large puddle in the ER entry way. We were flipping out.
Thankfully the people in front of us let us through before them and we were brought back to be seen - only to wait an additional hour! Am I the only one who didn't realize that the ER (the sole function of which is to provide immediate medical care) has waiting rooms after their waiting rooms? Ridiculous. Eli, all the while, was still limp and and burning up. I could have killed someone (maybe that would have sped things up a bit). When we were called into an exam room, guess what? That's right, we sat waiting for a Dr. for another 40 minutes. And when the Dr. finally showed up, all he did was take a cursory glance at our baby, then prescribe tylenol and motrin. Again, I could have killed somebody (hint: the Dr.).
All told we were in the ER for 6 hours, and to know that we could have stayed home instead and fed our kid tylenol and motrin (which we have in vast quantities as a rule) almost caused by bladder to burst.
But wait, there's more. That night we called the Advice Nurse again, specifically because the type of distress cry that Eli was making was obviously due to some physical pain, and he had developed a rash on his hands and legs. I made an appointment to see our regular Pediatrician the next afternoon (our 6th visit in 12 days). As soon as we walked through the door that afternoon, our Ped said he knew exactly what the problem was. He gave the kiddo a very thorough once over, and when he was finished announced that he was right, and that if what we wanted was an answer and a solution, he had it for us.
Answer: Hand/Foot&Mouth Disease. Apparently a fairly common virus which causes fever, skin rash and blisering, loose stool, stomach pain and vomiting. Everything.
Solution: Nothing. Because it's a virus there is no medication for it, it simply has to work it's way through the system and out.
Great. Awesome.
But the icing on the cake is that as soon as Eli started feeling better and showing signs of improvement, that's exactly when Taryn, Me and Kendall (who came up to help watch the kiddo since he couldn't go to daycare) started showing signs of illness ourselves. We each spiked a fever of over 101.5 (Taryn had it worst at 104 on Wednesday night). It was a hot mess. Literally.
But everyone is feeling much better. Eli goes back into daycare tomorrow. Taryn and I are feeling fine, just a bit exhausted (but we're not sure if it's more physical or emotional).
Here's a shot of the kiddo with his ER bracelet in the 2nd waiting room of the day.

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