Oct 29, 2009

Nummy Apples?

Ever since his bout with the flu, Eli has been having difficulties taking his solid foods. And by difficulties, I mean he's just not having it. Before his illness, he would grab the spoon and try to feed himself, but now he's grabbing the spoon to push it away. So, after much debate, Taryn and I decided to forego our initial desire to have Eli try all of the veggies we wanted him to, and give him some fruit to see if the sweetness would entice him to eat better.
No such luck.
Apples are by far my favorite fruit, and when we gave him some for the first time, I had high hopes of smiles and appetite. Instead, we got the same old routine. Same response to the bananas we tried next. Taryn and I were both surprised. These days we're lucky to get 5 good spoonfuls down.
He looks so angelic, but he's such a booger.

None too excited.

Pushing at the spoon.

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