During a recent visit by his Nonni and Grambot, Eli made a new friend!
With the women together, everyone decided that it was necessary to make a trip to Nordstroms (of course). The 4.5 of us were headed to lunch in their cafe when we passed through their children's section, and Eli's Nonni happened to notice a big, plush, squishy Big Bird Doll. Taryn had a similar doll as a baby, and to pay homage and keep tradition, Nonni just couldn't pass it by. It was a nice surprise for Eli, especially because he responds so well to the bright colors, like Big Bird's yellow.
Here are some shots of his initial reaction, starting with surprise, followed closely by over-excitement, then finished by acceptance and contentment.
And of course, once something new has been introduced, then accepted, Eli moves quickly to putting that new something in his mouth. The taste test is very important to a Baby's learning process and development ... I hope ...
Then kisses.
Then hugs.
The Biddles loves his Big Bird. Thanks Nonni!