The Lindsays made their way west for Memorial Weekend, and brought their Lil' Man along for the ride to meet his Momma's side of the family for the first time (besides his Grambot & Grandpa, who had gone to see his birth). We never see enough of these two, and miss them more than we can say, so it's really something special to have them here.
Not to mention the "Uniting of the Cousins."
Eli was very excited about meeting his cousin James (or so we like to think - it's not like he can argue the point). It was crazy to see how similar they were in size. Even though they're separated by 3 weeks, they're almost the same weight. Although, for all of the talk about how similar they are (they both weighed 8 lbs exactly at birth, they both measured 20+ inches, they both came 5 days early, they both have HUGE cheekies) it was pretty clear after getting them together how different they are too. Although, both babies look just like their Daddies - lucky little boogers.
For Taryn and I it was a really great experience to get to meet our Nephew for the 1st time. With all of the craziness that comes with being a new parent, it was nice to be able to take a step back and appreciate being an Aunt and an Uncle. James Henry Lindsay IV is so freakin' awesome! He's got one of the best smiles I have ever seen on anyone, one that lights up his whole face and shines in his eyes. He's supersonic, just like his Daddy, and babbles like no other. The gibberish is hilarious - I can't wait till he really starts talking. His cry face is fun, and we love how he scrunches it up when he gets started with the fussin'.
We're really lucky to have such a cute, cool Nephew. And even luckier to have such a great Aunt and Uncle for our Ittle Bittle. Here's a great shot of the two boys with Denise and Jay.
I had been bragging for a while about how incredible Eli's eye contact is. But when his Auntie Niser sat down with him for the 1st time and got to see it close up, she started crying. Yeah, Eli is that adorable! He loves his Auntie Niser and stared at her so hard she made a solemn oath on the spot never to ever challenge the boy to a staring contest as long as they both shall live. Way to knock out the competition early, Eli.
Alright, the following are some great shots of the 2 boys getting wiggly with it ...
I love how much fun they have with their wiggles ...
So, Eli and James' Grambot decided that it would be nice to see the 2 boys in matching outfits. Because it was their first time together, we agreed to let this slide, but a warning to Grambot: "this isn't the Patty Duke Show." Here they are together on James' changing mat (gross) wiggling around in perfect asymmetry.
Here's a perfect example of James' fantastic smile.
Money Shot, James!
This face will get you anything you want with both your Grandmas.
We think Eli got a little over-excited in this one ... pushing his cousin out of the spot light ...
And here is the proud Grambot (the 6 million peso woman! We have the technology to rebuild her!) with both of her adorable boys. Just a little happy, no?
She had to call for help within seconds of getting this picture because both boys have gotten so big.