On Saturday, we made a trip to Elk Grove to attend Jamie and Chris' baby shower for little Tyson Matthew Roach. Here's a nice shot of Eli with his Great Grandparents, waiting for the fun to start.
And start it did. There were upwards of 40 people in attendance. There was a ton of food, lots of presents and plenty of wine and beer for everyone - except Eli. Jamie looks fantastic, and is doing very well. She's just past her 26th week and counting down to DDay with gusto. Eli got to meet the Jacksons for the 1st time that day. He even got to meet Lil' Barry, who was very gentle with the new Lil' Man. And Dad, thanks again for letting us switch cars with you on the way up. Between all of the presents, and all of the baby stuff, there's no way our car would have survived ...
Here's a great shot of the Mom-to-be and her Mom sharing an Eli Moment before all of the craziness.
And there certainly was some craziness. Unfortunately, while Jamie and Chris were hard at work trying to get through all of the presents they'd received, Jamie's Tahoe was broken into. And they stole her Shoes! A travesty that I think only Taryn could really appreciate the full gravity of - and maybe my Mom, and probably every other woman in attendance, come to think of it. The poor kids had to mend the broken window with cardboard and some tape - and then drive home all the way to Idaho - in the cold! We're really sorry guys! That's why you see Jamie and no Chris in this one. The poor guy had to file a police report in the middle of his party.
After the hubbub calmed down, they set to work on besting their Pile O'Presents. Taryn and I got them a few fun things, including a Tummy Time set, some sleep sacks, some swaddler blankets and a mirror for the little guy to check himself out in. But best of all, we put together an entire diaper changing station set, filled to the brim with diapers, wet wipes, dry cloths, alcohol wipes for the button, some hand sanitizer, a vinyl changing mat and some Butt Paste. Here they are checking out the Butt Paste. And no, it never gets old, even after you realize how practical it really is.
And of course, a present opening is never complete until Lil' Barry has his due. Here's the stinker ripping into something or other. This kid is just too funny ...
Word of advice: wrapping paper, orange soda and Barry DO NOT mix.
And of course our Lil Angel, Eli, slept through the whole thing. Even Lil' Barry's shinanegans. Throughout the entire party, he was either alseep and content, or wide awake, curious and checking everything out in his own quiet way. I think he impressed his Great Grandpa, who got to meet him for the first time. On our way out that night, he made it a point to remind us that because Eli's so quiet now, he's gonna grow up to be quite the smart-ass - just like his Daddy.
Let's hope so ...