Feb 9, 2009

The Nursery: Take 2

So the Nursery is really starting to come together. We have all of the furniture pieces in place now. About half of the bedding/decorative pieces that Taryn and Cathy are working on are finished. As you can see, since we're renting and unable to paint the walls, Taryn got creative and found some great decals. Nice and retro. The valance is up, the crib skirt is on, and the pillow for the glider is ready to go. We still have some record albums to frame and hang around the room, plus a clock for the wall and a lamp for the bookshelf, but we're getting there.

Here's a close-up of the bookshelf. It's originally from Taryn's nursery. Her father made it, her mother kept it all these years, and her brother painted it for Eli to use. You can see the Fraggles - friggin sweet! Gobo and Whimbley! Also all of my old comics - a ton of Spiderman, X Men and Superman, plus a bunch of randoms like Venom, Sabertooth, etc. Not to mention all the monkeys ...

Here's a shot of the glider. You can see the pillow that Cathy made. That's the same theme that we'll have on the crib bedding/blanket. The glider is the most comfortable thing ever. And it's huge! I called dibs on it after Eli gets bigger to use as my football chair. No backsies.

Here's the hutch all cleaned out and ready for the diaper necessaries. Our little gray cat (Momo, or Monkey, or Hyde, or Scruffy Fluffy ButtFace) has claimed the changing pad in the name of the Mo. When he's lost, that's where we find him - curled up and squish-faced. Makes me wish we had sheets made out of the thing ...

And here's another shot of the closet. Still can't get over how nice it is to have a walk-in for the nursery. The extra shelves we got are fantastic. We have a huge stash of diapers, plenty of room for the swing and bouncer, and the Belly Fun Time thing - Thanks Margie! And as you can see, we're collecting a nice supply of clothes. I still think the coolest is the Atari onesie. Or the gray long sleeve shirt that says "I drink until I pass out." His stuff is already cooler than mine ... Taryn told me to get used to it ...

New Belly Pics!

Here's the Babe at 32 weeks plus. Still pretty petite, considering we only have 7+ weeks left.

Here's the Belly in all its Glory. Behold the Baby! Behold the Comfy Pants!